Making an Impact
When law enforcement separated the young woman from her traffickers at a truck stop in Virginia, they discovered she'd been coerced from her home, and over the course of 18 days, had been beaten, starved, routinely tortured, raped and sold for commercial sex. It was a truck driver who recognized that something wasn't right and made a call that led to her recovery. That same truck driver testified in court and helped put those traffickers behind bars for 40 and 41 years, respectively. This is the power of the United States trucking industry. This is the power of a mobilized army who can recognize human trafficking when they see it. This is why Truckers Against Trafficking educates, equips, empowers and mobilizes the trucking, bus and energy industries to fight human trafficking as part of their regular jobs. As the eyes and ears of our nation's roadways, the trucking and busing industries are driving change in the fight against human trafficking. You can help us mobilize this army to ensure more victims are recovered and more traffickers are brought to justice.
You may also make donations via check (made to Truckers Against Trafficking) and mail to: Truckers Against Trafficking PO BOX 816, Englewood, CO 80151